The Legend
Renowned for his brilliant defense of the Ninja homeland Iga and leadership of the Iga ninja forces, Hattori Hanzō earned the nickname Oni no Hanzō (鬼の半蔵) or Demon Hanzō for his fearsome tactics in battle. His prowess was such that rumors began to spread about his exploits, attributing his amazing success to supernatural abilities such as teleportation, psychokinesis, and precognition.
To this day, artifacts that represent the legacy of this formidable warrior still exist within modern Japan, such as his remains, spear, and helmet.
The Pendant
Our HANZO pendant pays tribute to the deep connection between Hattori Hanzō and the Iga clan, taking the form of a shuriken engraved with four kanji, each representing an aspect of Hanzo's name and legacy:
忍 (represents the Iga ninja clan, and their existence as Shinobi)
鬼 (represents Hanzo's nickname, bestowed upon him for his combat prowess)
半蔵 (the kanji for his name)
Like any of our accessories, the HANZO comes with a custom bamboo box.
As the smith does not mix chromium into the metal, your HANZO pendant should be kept away from water. We have applied a layer of lacquer to give the pendant a measure of water resistance, but it is always better to be safe than sorry! As this layer will eventually wear off over the course of normal wear, it is highly recommended to replace it with a jewelry sealant (or an alternative) in a month or so to protect the finishing of the pendant and maintain its water resistance.