The Legend
Undefeated across 61 duels, the samurai known as Miyamoto Musashi was the paragon of strength and power. Foregoing the traditional two-handed stance that was popular among the samurai of his time, he achieved unparalleled proficiency in a dual-wielding form of his own creation: The Ni-Ten-Ichi-Ryu.
"Just as one man can beat ten, so a hundred men can beat a thousand, and a thousand can beat ten thousand. In my strategy, one man is the same as ten thousand, so this strategy is the complete warrior's craft."
- Miyamoto Musashi
The Ring
The essence of his valor is captured within the confines of our MUSASHI rings, forged with 100% pure katana steel and skillfully inlaid with a band of copper to signify the duality of the two blades he wielded in forging the Ni-Ten-Ichi-Ryu style.
Like any of our accessories, the MUSASHI is crafted entirely by hand, and comes with a custom bamboo box.
Custom Engraving
Your MUSASHI can be inscribed with any design you wish. If you have ordered a custom engraving, drop us an email at with your order number and the design you want!
As the smith does not mix chromium into the metal, your MUSASHI ring should be kept away from water. We have applied a layer of lacquer to give the ring a measure of water resistance, but it is always better to be safe than sorry!
Stainless Option
If you so choose, you can request for the smith to add chromium into the steel he hand-crafts for your accessory (which will give it the stainless quality) for an added cost. Please note that the addition of chromium will cause the finish of the ring to appear shinier in appearance as opposed to the non-stainless variant.
It is highly recommended that you select the stainless option if you tend to have sweaty fingers, as sweat will potentially cause oxidization on the inner metal. For non-stainless variants, oxidization (if it occurs) can be managed with the use of a carbon steel eraser.
Photo credits: Lindsay Lewis @